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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Your second grade students are doing a wonderful job transitioning from first grade to second. In math we just finished Unit 1 assessment which was all review from last year. Starting in Unit 2 we will begin looking deeper into story problems. Please practice with your students at home in regards to telling time. Your students should know their time within five minutes. We went over analog clocks and we continue to practice them daily. In writing we some spent time telling stories to each other and made sure to include details. We read a Jig Saw Jones book and wrote a short book report on the main ideas and the important characters. In Science we chose a tree to observe for the year and looked at changes that might be made with the tree in the fall and winters seasons. In Social Studies we studied different types of communities. We are not in need of any donations for the classroom. Thank you if you donated some supplies. Your student really appreciate it. Please sign up for conferences if you have not already done so. This week's spelling test will be on and it will be Week 3 spelling words. Please make sure to subscribe to the blog, that is located on the right, and you will then receive an email with alerts when the blog is updated with new posts.


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