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Friday, October 11, 2013

I hope everyone had an enjoyable week. I was away from the classroom this past Tuesday and Wednesday because of the passing of my Grandmother. For the last three years I have had the help from Mr. Helm to fill in and substitute in my classroom when I am gone. He did a wonderful job in my absence.

In Math we are learning about shortcuts when it comes to addition and subtraction. We are also working on "frames and arrow" and the function machines for addition and subtraction. In writing we are continuing to develop our small moments. We had a small moment celebration last Friday and all the students read their small moment to their peers and Mrs. Heyward. In Grammar we are working on adjectives. We have completed the lessons on nouns and action verbs already and will soon move onto adverbs. 

Currently we are running low on snacks. If you could please send in some snack with your student that would be greatly appreciated. We are also in need of skinny dry erase markers. These dry erase markers are used by your students during their spelling tests and they are used three times a week. 

REMINDER: Field Trip on October 25 at 9:00 a.m. to Fox Nature Preserve


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