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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hello 2nd Grade Parents,
     The spelling words for this week are still on even though we had a day off yesterday because of the storms. We are currently on week 11. We will not have spelling words next week. Your students are doing very well with keeping up on their spelling words and it really shows in their writing. This week I am doing reading assessments and math assessments for the report cards that will be going home next week.
     This week will be the last cycle of the small moments and we will move onto "How To" stories after the Thanksgiving break. I am very pleased with the amount of detail and length that your students are achieving in their small moments. In math we are starting on Unit 5 which will look at two and three dimensional shapes. We are reading The BFG by Roald Dahl for the past two weeks and will be viewing the movie before the break.
     We are running low on snacks! If you would like to donate snacks please send them with your student to school. I always encourage a healthy snack of fruits and vegetables.


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